


剛買了香港大學出版社出版的《金魯賢回憶錄上卷 絕處逢生》急不及待一口氣讀完了,讀後感慨萬千。尤其是閱讀後上網搜尋,才曉得金魯賢主教已於今年四月廿七日在上海逝世,享壽九十七歲。








金主教是耶穌會士,在《回憶錄》中談到留學歐洲時的一些耶穌會士師友,都是教會內受到關注的另類人物,例如他曾幾度拜訪提出神學進化論險遭打成異端的德日進神父(Tiehard de Chardin,曾參與發掘北京人),他的神學老師德呂巴克(De Lubac)也曾遭天主教會排斥,他另一位老師漢斯孔(Hans Kung)差點遭受禁絕;他的同學中有提出「解放神學」的,也有當「工人司鐸」被天主教會制止。怪不得《回憶錄》中幾次提到後來六十年代天主教會的「第二次大公會議」(書中稱為「梵二」)的改革,金主教雖然坐牢加上勞改十八年,一直與外間隔絕,提起來一點都不陌生,這些應該都是他在羅馬額吾略大學留學攻讀神學博士學位時的熱門話題了,且看《金魯賢回憶錄下卷》對此如何發揮。


《回憶錄》中有幾處提及香港,一是他1947年赴羅馬留學時途經香港,訪問了愛爾蘭耶穌會管理的華仁書院和華南總修院。當時兩家華仁書院都應還在舊校舍上課,今天的校舍還未興建。華南總修院即今天香港仔黃竹坑的聖神修院。金主教留學歐洲時曾去愛爾蘭耶穌會學英文,修院安排了一位年輕修士里德教他。里德後來在香港教書,曾當兩家華仁書院的校長,他正是我上中學時的校長黎列德神父(Derek Reid),後來在校園神秘被殺,棄屍垃圾桶。也是從《回憶錄》中得知,解放前管理上海天主教區的法國耶穌會遷移來香港,在亞皆老街賣了一棟洋房作總部。這原來是解放後上海天主教區的管理處,怪不得我們少時路過,覺得充滿神秘氣氛,這些法國耶穌會士不與香港天主教區來往,也不與華仁的愛爾蘭耶穌會士來往。這座洋房現已易手,正在拆卸重建。

2 則留言:

  1. Pax tecum

    Dear XXX, my brother and teacher,

    I have just finished the autobiography of Bishop Jin of Shanghai, part one and I am waiting the part two which will begin from 1982.

    I finished reading the whole book in one day. I was very moved by this Jesuit, yet he had been abandoned long long time by your brother Jesuits. Because of Fr Landany and some of the advisors from Hong Kong, based on wrong information, Fr Jin was condemned as a traitor. I really hope that there is already an English edition of this book and you can share my admiration of this good priest. He led a prisoner life for 27 years after working four years after returning to China. Only this 27 years' silent witness, he can be canonized.
    In one passage, he had the same view point as mine: Matteo Ricci's advocated dialogue between Confucius and Christianity which was halted by the conservative theologians of his time and again, last century saw the wrong judgment of Pope Pius XII to condemn communism leading to the logical failure of the continuation of the Church in China to have her own healthy development. Jin opted for the compromised way and thus he was able to let the lamp of altars still shining. Rome has to be brave enough to let the Church of China to have a chance to develop. I am glad to learn that finally the Jesuits have recognized this brother in 1993. I hope I have the correct information.

    Jin has a large circle of friends whom I admire, like Hans Kung, Karl Rhaner, and many others. He was a precious stone of the Jesuit order and of the Church of China. Now I think he should be having his real retirement in heavens living with the trinity. He gave me courage to work more for he started working again from 66 and on. For most of the ordinary people, he should already be in retirement.

    You mentioned to me a few times and you have met him in person many times and now I understand why you have so high respect for Bishop Jin.

    Keep in touch and god bless

    YYY de Paris

  2. Dear Father,

    In his autobiography Bishop mentioned the 2 Wah Yans in HK & the Irish Jesuits several times. He visited HK in the late 40s early 50s on his way for his PhD in Theology in Rome & back home to Shanghai. I think in those days, the 2 Wah Yans were still in their old campuses, not the ones we saw & studied. Bishop Jin went to Ireland to study English, & was hospitalized by the Irish Jesuits. He said in his book that the Irish Jesuits assigned a young brother to help teaching him English, and he was by the name of Derek Reid. Fr Reid was our school principal in the 60s when I studied in Wah Yan Kowloon. Unfortunately Fr. Reid died of a mysterious death in the campus in the 80s.
    Bishop Jin also mentioned that after the establishment of PRC, the Shanghai Catholic Church under the French Jesuits moved some of their wealth out of the country & stationed in HK. They bought a house in Kowloon as their headquarters, & was probably still exercising their influences in China for some years. This reminds me of the house under the French Jesuits in Argyle St near Kowloon City. I always found the house mysterious because the people there seldom communicated with the Church in HK, nor did they communicate with their fellow Jesuits from Ireland. The old house has recently been demolished. I think it will be turned into another high rise. The French Jesuits must have sold the house. I wonder where they keep the proceeds, to the Church in Taiwan, or send the money back to the Church in Shanghai.
    Bishop Jin talked about the change in the Church after Vatican II. He was just released from prison & cut away from the outside world for a long time. Yet he understood what happened & determined accurately to follow the practice of Vatican II. I think the thought of reforming the Church was well discussed among some of the scholars & students in Rome in the late 40s & early 50s. Otherwise Bishop Jin would not be able to pick up the issue & follow so speedily.
    I admire Bishop Jin very much after reading his autobiography. I was working in Shanghai for 2 years from 2010 to 2012. I went to mass & some of the gatherings under the Shanghai Catholic Church & talked to some fellow Catholics. I understand that Bishop Jin was well respected & beloved among the local Catholics. They told me that the present prosperity of the Shanghai Catholic Church should be attributed to the hard effort of Bishop Jin, who stood for the Church to claim back a lot of real properties from the Municipal Government. As a result of the development of the city in these 20 years, the Shanghai Catholic Church has been in sound financial standing & continues to grow with more & more believers. Bishop Jin's example shows that in spite of the pressure from a communist government, the Church still needs people who can work together with the government to continue to lead the Church as well as defend its rights. The sheep in Shanghai, and China as well, need its shepherds. In the early 50s some of the shepherds abandoned their sheep & fled their posts for various reasons that may worth our sympathy, but they ended up giving up their sacred role with the Church. Fortunately there were still devoted clergies like Bishop Jin who were brave to stay behind, stand out to work with the devils to save the Church when they have the chance.
    When learning the sad news of Bishop Jin passing away, both Archbishop Zen & Cardinal Hon of HK wrote positively in memory of him. Many priests in the HK Church seem to know him personally. It is so sad to read from the internet that some of the people with the underground Church in China are still treating him as a traitor. Peter said that you've met Bishop Jin personally several times. It would be our blessing if you told us more about him.
